September 28, 2008

My php cms base on Zend Framework.

I have thought about a CMS with Zend Framework that's a reason I have learned this php Framework.
I have spent much time to research and seek, learn about Zend Framework. It is great php Framework to make quickly your web application.
But It make you spent more time to much to learn and use and It is don't make for who is strange with MVC Structure.
To make a CMS base on It, you must improve your using ZF skill by reading code and combine components together.
It will be done soon and release as open source cms.
Live demo: [ use cache ] [ does not use cache ]

The components was used in this cms:
Zend_Session [ Required by Zend_Auth ]

Zend Framework is not the best php framework.

It make me spend more time to learning and seacrh so hard. But Its speed is slowly. You must don't use or disable It when a project base on ZF was built.
I thing the best component Zend Framework is trainning to gether.

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